About Us

Mission Statement

Hike Discovery Inc. is committed to the development of a hiking trail network on the Bonavista Peninsula which will enhance the tourism product for the region.


Hike Discovery Incorporated has three (3) core functions:
(1) Develop a hiking trail network on the Bonavista Peninsula for the purpose of economic development;
(2) Complete yearly maintenance on the trails in the network; and
(3) Actively seek opportunities for additional trail development for the network

Our Members

Board Members

The Board of Hike Discovery Inc. meets at least four times a year and consists of the following representatives:

Light House Trail, King's Cove
Mary Batterton & Carol Ryan
Gun Hill Trail, Trinity
Jim Miller & Marieke Gow
Skerwink Trail, Port Rexton
Luke Fisher & John Vivian
Fox Island Trail, Champney's West
Shelly Blackmore & Martin Hiscock
Murphy's Cove to Lodge's Pond, Trinity Bay North
Darryl Johnson & Garry Blackmore
Klondike Trail, Elliston
Blair Templeman & Charlotte Ritman
Cape Shore Trail, Bonavista
Betty Fitzgerald & Jon Joy

Ex-officio members (non-voting)

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Lindsay Boland
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Nancy Robbins
Dept. of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development
Adrian Power
Dept. of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development
Paula Roberts
Dept. of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development
Andy Hennebury